JBScreen Nuc-Pro is designed to screen for preliminary crystallization conditions of nucleic acids and protein-nucleic acid complexes.
The highly effective sparse matrix screen is based upon extensive screening of the PDB, with focus on entries by structural genomic initiatives, the BMCD and other protocols [1-3]. Reported crystallization conditions for various RNAs, DNAs as well as protein-nucleic acid complexes were compiled and analyzed for rate of recurrence.
The 96 conditions selected cover a variety of polymers, mono- and divalent metal ions, organics, alcohols and buffers of a pH range from 4,0 to 8,5. The organization of the reagents into individual kits is based upon the main precipitant, i.e. various molecular weight PEGs, Salts, alcohols (MPD and 2-Propanol).
Bulk – 24 or 96 screening solutions in 10 ml aliquots
HTS – 96 screening solutions delivered in a deep-well block, 1.7 ml per well
The ready-to-use reagents are tested for DNase contamination using our DNase Detection Kit → Molecular Biology.
[1] Doudna et al. (1993) Crystallization of ribozymes and small RNA motifs by a sparse matrix approach. Proc. Natl. Sci. USA 90:7829.
[2] Scott et al. (1995) Rapid Crystallization of Chemically Synthesized Hammerhead RNAs using a Double Screening Procedure. J. Mol. Biol. 250:327.
[3] Ke et al. (2004) Crystallization of RNA and RNA-protein complexes. Methods 34:408.