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Crystallography Sampler Kit™

If you've been using nylon loops for crystal harvesting and data collection, Mitegen's collection of general purpose and specialized tools may be a bit overwhelming. To help introduce you to MiTegen's product portfolio, a sampler kit of some of the most popular tools has been assorted.

Crystal Harvesting Sampler Kit 1 (MSK-1) contains 40 mounts for crystal harvesting and data collection on 18 mm SPINE rods:

Crystal Harvesting Sampler Kit 2 (MSK-2) contains 120 mounts for crystal harvesting and data collection on 18 mm SPINE rods:

  • 20 Dual-Thickness MicroMounts - 5 each of the 75, 100, 150 & 200 μm apertures (M2-L18SP-A2)
  • 20 Dual-Thickness MicroLoops LD - 5 each of 100, 150, 200 & 300 μm apertures (M5-L18SP-A2LD)
  • 20 Dual-Thickness MicroLoops - 5 each of 50, 100, 150 & 200 μm apertures (M5-L18SP-A4)
  • 20 MicroMeshes - 5 each of the 400/10, 400/25, 400/50 & 700/25 μm apertures (M3-L18SP-A1)
  • 20 MicroLoops E - 5 each of the 15x150, 30x300, 50x500 & 70x700 μm vertical apertures (M8-L18SP-VA1)
  • 20 MicroGrippers - 5 each of the 50, 100, 200 & 300 μm apertures (M7-L18SP-A1)
  • A detailed instruction manual

Nonsaleable to USA and Japan! Please contact MiTeGen for distributor information.