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Rethinking routine PCR

Despite the variety, many scientists choose their well-known PCR mixes for routine applications without questioning. Those were recommended by fellow lab members or identified in test series some years ago. But are they still the gold standard today?

Routine applications in particular, which are carried out frequently or at large scales should be revised according to the current state of science and product developments reguarly. Challenge your day-to-day routines and test our PCR mixes against your own gold standard.

Fig. 1: Jena Bioscience Crystal Taq Master (A) as well as Ruby Taq Master (B) have been developed to achieve distinct signals even at lowest template concentations in comparisson to equivalent mixes

Fig. 1: Crystal Taq Master (A) and Ruby Taq Master (B) yield distinct signals* and outcompete competitors at low template concentations

Check out ready-to-use Crystal Taq Master (Fig. 1A), ideal mix for routine PCR, high throughput PCR and genotyping. Our Ruby Taq Master (Fig. 1B) contains additional gel loading buffer and inherent red dye. This allows easy visual control during PCR set-up and direct loading of the reaction product into the gel. Both mixes are available also with Hot Start Polymerase.

Taq Polymerase Mixes Cat. No. Amount Price
Crystal Taq Master (2x) PCR-166S 4x 1,25 ml 89,00 €
PCR-166L 20x 1,25 ml 356,00 €
PCR-166XL 100 ml 1.139,11 €
Ruby Taq Master (2x) PCR-164S 4x 1,25 ml 89,00 €
PCR-164L 20x 1,25 ml 356,00 €
PCR-164XL 100 ml 1.139,11 €
Hot Start Polymerase Mixes Cat. No. Amount Price
Crystal Hot Start Master (2x) PCR-167S 4x 1,25 ml 124,60 €
PCR-167L 20x 1,25 ml 498,40 €
PCR-167XL 100 ml 1.594,88 €
Ruby Hot Start Master (2x) PCR-165S 4x 1,25 ml 124,60 €
PCR-165L 20x 1,25 ml 498,40 €
PCR-165XL 100 ml 1.594,88 €

* Amplification of 345 bp hIR (human Insulin Receptor) gene fragment tested as template dilution series (5 - 50 pg), reaction: 96 °C, 2 min; 35x (96 °C, 20 sec; 54 °C, 20 sec; 72 °C, 30 sec), 1 kb DNA Ladder

Dr. Buerk Schaefer

E-Mail me for technical inquiries or further information: pcr@jenabioscience.com