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Lyophilized PCR Reagents: The new gold standard for quantitative analysis of target DNA or RNA

Ready-to-Use Lyophilisates come as complete master mixes in a dry, room temperature stable format:

  • Pre-aliquoted with all required reagents
  • Stable at ambient temperature
  • No cooling chain required
  • Minimized risk of contamination

Real-time PCR: Optimized for maximum sensitivity and specificity

Real-time PCR

All lyophilized master mixes contain in-house produced reagents of highest quality.

Quantitative analysis of RNA templates


Lyophilized one-step RT-PCR master mixes with an optimized composition of all required reagents including RNase inhibitor.

Isothermal Amplification – Revolutionize the way for detecting DNA


Fast, simple and cost-effective: Achieve results within 10 minutes without having to use expensive instruments.

Looking for freeze-dried mixes beyond our standard repertoire?


We are your reliable partner with all technical advice and know-how for developing lyophilisates according to your requirements.

Questions or inquiries?

Dr. Buerk Schaefer

Get in touch for further information at molbio@jenabioscience.com !